Posodobljeno spletno orodje BIORAISE

Med cilji projekta BIOmasud PLUS je bila tudi posodobitev spletne storitve BIORAISE in razširitev na države južne Evrope (Portugalsk, Španija, Italija, Hrvaška, Slovenija, Grčija, Turčija in Francijo). Spletna platforma BIORAISE zagotavlja informacije o virih biomase, stroških pridobivanja, nudi pa tudi koristne informacije s področja energetske rabe biogoriv. Namen posodobitve je prikaz ocene potencialov biomase za proizvodnjo trdih goriv za domačo rabo, kjer so upoštevane tudi okoljske omejitve in ocenjena stopnja učinkovitosti pridelave.Continue reading

Prve revizije dopolnjene certifikacijske sheme Biomasud

V okviru projekta BIOmasud PLUS bomo v vseh sodelujočih državah izvedli pilotne implementacije dopolnjene certifikacijske sheme Biomasud.

V vsaki državi bosta v testno implementacijo certifikacijske sheme vključeni po dve podjetja, ki se ukvarjata s proizvodnjo biogoriv. Prve revizije so bile izvedene v državah (Portugalska, Španija), kjer so partnerji preverjali izboljšave glede na prvotno različico sheme. Glavne spremembe so vključitev novih biogoriv (oljčni in vinogradniški odrez, orehove in pistacijeve lupine) ter zahteve glede trajnosti, ki so bile dopolnjene v skladu z novo RED direktivo.Continue reading

Biomasud Plus supports the celebration of the Greek Bioenergy Day!

The European Bioenergy day campaign was launched this year by AEBIOM, the European Biomass Association, in order to raise awareness about the importance of bioenergy in the European energy mixture. The Bioenergy Day of each state corresponds to that date of the year from which onwards the country could theoretically fuel its final energy consumption exclusively with bioenergy.Continue reading

Biomasud Plus workshop in EXPOBIOMASA and 4th follow-up meeting

During the EXPOBIOMASA fair (September28th) a Biomasud Plus project (H2020 program) dissemination workshop took place with the aim of informing about the latest activities and results of the project as well as the BIOmasud® certification itself.

The main objective of the Horizon 2020 Biomasud Plus project is to improve the BIOmasud® quality and sustainability certification system for Mediterranean biomasses. For this purpose, various market studies of these solid biofuels are being carried out.

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Sklepi poročila o trgu zgorevanja za sredozemske biomase na trgu

V okviru dejavnosti Biomasud Plus je CERTH s pomočjo projektnega konzorcija izvedel podrobno študijo najsodobnejših sistemov zgorevanja (kotlov in peči), ki so na voljo za ogrevanje domov. Poročilo zajema sodelujoče sredozemske države (Hrvaško, Italijo, Grčijo, Portugalsko, Slovenijo, Španijo in Turčijo) in vključuje podrobne informacije o naslednjih vidikih ogrevalnih sistemov za gospodinjstva, ki se ogrevajo na trdna biogoriva:Continue reading

Trajnostne zahteve

Kod del projekta BIOMASUD PLUS je bila naloga 4.1 v okviru WP 4, usmerjena v “Izboljšanje trajnostnih zahtev oznake BIOMASUD”. Tako je obseg naloge 4.1 vključeval pregled sedanjih meril trajnosti v sistemu BIOMASUD z namenom, da se jih posodobi. Pregled je bil osredotočen na iskanje priložnosti, da se obstoječa načela trajnostnosti (toplogredni plini in povpraševanje po energiji) dopolni z novimi ter prilagodi uporabnost novih načel za vse vire, ki so bili izbrani v okviru kategorij biomase, ki jih bo pokrival BIOMASUD Plus.Continue reading

Survey about the use of biomass Biomasud Plus European project

home_splashThe BIOMASUD PLUS project of the Horizon 2020 Program, coordinated by the Spanish Bioenergy (AVEBIOM), aims to improve the BIOmasud quality and sustainability certification system, which has been in operation since 2013 for Mediterranean solid biofuels. This will be done by including new biofuels, reviewing the system’s sustainability criteria and extending it to other interested countries. Currently the label is present in Spain, France and Portugal and, thanks to the BIOMASUD PLUS project, will also be implemented in Italy, Greece, Slovenia, Croatia and Turkey. The partners of the multidisciplinary team of the consortium are: AVEBIOM, CIEMAT, PEFC and Tercera Fase Software by Spain, CBE of Portugal, AIEL of Italy, BIOS of Austria, CERTH of Greece, ZEZ of Croatia, Tubitak of Turkey and GIS of Slovenia.

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Second meeting of the European Project BIOMASUD PLUS

TFoto grupo reunion esloveniahe Project BIOMASUD PLUS from the program Horizon 2020, coordinated by the Spanish Biomass Association (AVEBIOM), has held its second follow up meeting last 4th and 5th October in the Slovenian Forestry Institute’s offices (GIS in Slovenian) which are located in the capital of the country Ljubljana. In this meeting were present all the partners that are part of the multidisciplinary team that the consortium is formed of: AVEBIOM, CIEMAT, PEFC and Tercera Fase Software on behalf Spain, CBE from Portugal, AIEL from Italia, BIOS from Austria, CERTH from Greece, ZEZ from Croatia, Tubitak from Turkey and the mentioned host GIS.

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